I am honored to have received so much support from District 2 voters via Letters to the Editor found in this past weekend's local papers and on SeacoastOnline.com. Thank for expressing your support, it means to much to me!
Please take a moment to read what your friends and neighbors have to say!
Here are my top picks for Kittery state rep and Town Council
I encourage my fellow Kittery residents to support Michele Meyer. She understands what it means to be a public servant and will be a strong and rational voice in Augusta. As a nurse and owner of a small organic farms, she understands the challenges we face and the healthcare field from the perspective of a small business owner. I also think she will work well with Deane Rykerson who has done an excellent job and is very accessible.
For our Kittery Town Council, please vote for Judy Spiller, Jeff Thomson and newcomer Cyrus Clark. These three are a great combination of experience and new ideas.
Alan E. Carp
Kittery Point, Maine
Maine Conservation Voters support Michele Meyer and so do I
Oct. 29 -- To the Editor:
Please join me and vote for Michele Meyer for Maine State Representative, House District 2, which includes Eliot and parts of Kittery and South Berwick.
I first met Michele on her farm in Eliot and quickly learned she is a hard worker, who cares about her community. She is committed to land conservation and understands the importance of balancing development with protection of important natural resources. Michele values clean water and healthy local food, resources that are vital to Maine’s economy. She gained the endorsement of Maine Conservation Voters.
Michele has campaigned widely, been willing to listen and learn what issues are important in the community. She is a grandparent and a forward-thinker. She is ready to represent the district in Augusta and has my vote on Nov. 6.
Jennifer Fox
Eliot, Maine
Rykerson: Vote Michele Meyer for Maine’s District 2.
Oct. 29 -- To the Editor:
In District 2 (Eliot, part of Kittery and S. Berwick), Michele Meyer is the best candidate by far. I have gotten to know Michele as a nurse, organic farmer, mother, grandmother, community activist, and candidate and I have become even more impressed by her honesty and dedication. She cares deeply about her community and she is ready to work hard for the future of Maine.
In this time of growing fear and hate, I wholeheartedly support Michele to make a difference in the Maine Statehouse. Please make your voices heard and vote for Michele Meyer.
Deane Rykerson
State Representative, District 1, Kittery, Maine
Michele Meyer will bring positive values to Augusta
Oct. 29 -- To the Editor:
In our last primaries, District 2 Democrats in Eliot, parts of Kittery and South Berwick, made a definitive statement at the polls, with record numbers voting.
Democrats demonstrated our commitment to a civil, balanced, and inclusive legislation in Augusta. In the June primary we had two fine candidates for the District 2 House seat. Michele Meyer emerged as the winner then, and she has been doggedly campaigning in District 2 towns over the past four months, connecting with voters, listening to their concerns and future hopes.
Her tireless efforts in HD2 will continue in Augusta legislating for our shared values.
Regardless of candidate personal preference in the June primary, the mission and message of our Democratic Party has not changed. We are still the party that believes, as our platform states, that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls. Those guiding principles will inform and influence Michele’s work as your State Representative. Let’s turn out strong again in November. Maine House District 2 voters: Please join me in voting for Michele Meyer on Nov. 6.
Jennifer Himmer
Eliot, Maine
In So. Berwick, I’m voting for Abigail Kemble and Michele Meyer
Oct. 28 -- To the Editor:
Please vote on Nov. 6. In South Berwick, we have a number of strong candidates. We have the opportunity to elect Abigail Kemble for Town Council. This is someone who regularly attends the Town Council meetings and has experience as a Director of Public Affairs and a Lecturer of Political Science. This experience would surely benefit us as we begin to tackle hiring a new town manager and finding consensus on the marijuana opt-in by end of year.
We have the opportunity to elect Michele Meyer for HD2. Michele is someone who has demonstrated that she will stand up for what’s right, and as a Registered Nurse she has first-hand experience two ongoing & critical public health issues: Uninsured/underinsured patients and Maine’s opioid crisis.
We are so lucky to have such great candidates willing to give their time to represent us. Please vote Nov. 6.
Melanie Merz
South Berwick, Maine
Voters in District 2, let’s send Michele Meyer to Augusta
Oct. 28 -- To the Editor:
Michele Meyer. That’s the name Southern Maine District 2 voters in Eliot, and parts of Kittery and South Berwick will see on their ballots Nov. 6, as a candidate for the Maine House of Representatives.
If you are a voter in District 2, it’s quite possible you have already met Michele, as she has been campaigning door-to-door in her district for several months now. Since announcing her candidacy last January, the heart of her campaign has been to meet the constituents she hopes to represent. Michele has traveled the rural roads, neighborhoods, and main streets of District 2, knocking on doors, meeting folks with a smile and respect, and listening as they explain their concerns -- the painfully divisive discourse of politics today, healthca
re access and affordability, increasing property taxes.
Michele’s busy life already includes managing the organic farm she and her husband, Jay, own in Eliot, staying engaged in local government, and finding time to spend with her grandchildren. But she is also deeply concerned about the politics of our time and knows that too often political discussions and decisions lack imagination, present false choices, and offer unfair solutions. Michele is in this race because she believes there is another way to get this business of legislating done, a way that restores civility, inclusion, and genuine concern for all.
As a member of Michele’s team of drivers, I have traveled miles with Michele, taking her house to house in her district. After hours of driving and conversation with her, I know the following:
1) As an elected official, Michele will be committed to truth and transparency; she knows her constituents deserve nothing less.
2) Michele is tenacious, focused, intelligent, informed, and a person of great heart and good humor.
3) We need her in Augusta representing us.
Janet Saurman
Eliot, Maine
Michele Meyer is racking up endorsements, including mine
Oct. 25 -- To the Editor:
In the race for Maine House District 2, Michele Meyer is my choice. As a Kittery voter, retired teacher, and supporter of Progressive Democrats since 2002, I’m pleased to share my enthusiasm for a candidate who embodies the values and vision I expect from my representation in Augusta.
Michele is the candidate the Maine Education Association has endorsed for her commitment to a world class education for our children.
Planned Parenthood stands behind Michele for her support for a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions and shape her own future.
She has earned the endorsement of Equality Maine for her unwavering support of the LGBTQ community and her promise to safeguard the progress toward full equality.
Michele is a Moms Demand Action Candidate of Distinction for her commitment to advancing common sense gun safety measures.
I am pleased to know these organizations see Michele as a citizen leader deserving to serve in Augusta. Please join me in casting your vote for Democrat Michele Meyer on Nov. 6.
Frank DeSarro
Kittery, Maine