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Rep. Meyer: Landmark new laws will ease Maine property tax burden, strengthen workforce

Rep. Michele Meyer

as seen on Seacost Online

Just like every other aspect of life, the legislative session that wrapped up a few weeks ago looked quite different from usual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of our committee meetings were held via Zoom, and for several months, the full (Maine) Legislature convened at the Augusta Civic Center instead of the State House to allow for social distancing. Despite the challenges, my colleagues and I passed several landmark measures that will make a real difference for communities and families across the state.

The two most significant laws we passed this session are the two-year state budget and a measure dedicating nearly $1 billion in federal American Rescue Plan funding to bolster Maine’s economic recovery and meet some of our state’s most pressing needs.

When I talk to my constituents, the burden of rising property taxes is a top concern. That is why property tax relief has been among my highest priorities in the Legislature – and why it was so important to me that our work this session address high property taxes.



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