Posted Jun 5, 2018 at 10:51 AM
Updated Jun 5, 2018 at 10:51 AM
To the Editor:
My husband, Gene and I have lived in Eliot for 17 years. During that time, we’ve attended most Town Meetings, a number of Select Board meetings, and have voted in every election.
This year we’ve spoken with both Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives, District 2, which covers all of Eliot, and parts of South Berwick and Kittery. We had interesting conversations with each candidate. After much thought and research, we are endorsing Michele Meyer for House Rep, District 2.
We appreciate her grasp of the issues, her willingness to listen, and her ability to clearly articulate her thoughts and ideas. We see her not only as a forward thinker, but one who has the potential to be a valuable consensus builder in a House often divided.
We understand that Deane Rykerson, 3-term House Representative for District 1 in Kittery, is endorsing Michele in her quest for the House. We see that as an impressive endorsement from one who knows first-hand the qualities a good representative should have in order to be an effective voice for his/her constituents.
Most importantly, we encourage everyone to go to the polls on June 12. Make your voice heard!
Nedra and Gene Sahr, Eliot, Maine